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Become a Member
Kennington Park Angling Club is a small club with limited spaces. As part of the clubs lease and our ethos, this is a local lake for local people and as such the waiting list reflects this.
Our Maximum catchment area is within 5 miles of RM15 4PJ. A distance test will be run for all applicants before they are added to the waiting list. If your postcode does not begin RM then it is very likely that you are outside of the area.
The waiting list is based on longest waiting offered a place first but weighted in the following manner:-
Those living on the Kenningtons Estate (opposite the lakes) are always offered any available spaces first, above and beyond anybody else.
Those who live in Aveley RM15 4 postcode are offered any spaces left after Kenningtons.
Those who live anywhere else within the 5 mile radius are offered any remaining spaces after Aveley.
Those who live outside of the 5 mile radius will not be considered.
As an example somebody living on the Kenningtons Estate who joined the waiting list yesterday will still be offered a place before a person living in say Upminster who has been on the waiting list for a year.
This does mean that people living further out are less likely to receive an offer.
If you are provisionally offered a place then you will need to make an appointment for an interview with one of our senior committee members. If your interview is successful, then your completed application form and payment must be handed to the membership secretary within 14 days from your interview. If not then your application will become null and void and that space will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.
The club membership is open for new members from 1st of May to 30th of June or until all available places have been allocated for that year (which ever is sooner).
You are most welcome to join the waiting list at any time. An email will be sent to you within 48hrs confirming that you are now on the list or that you are outside of our catchment area.
If you wish to join the waiting list, please fill out the simple form below. If you need more information, then you can contact Gary Maskell on the telephone number below:-
Membership Secretary
Gary Maskell
07946 519045
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