In return we ask for
Respect for the lakes, wild life, fish and other anglers
For you to do work parties to help with the general maintenance of the lakes
And for you to abide by the rules and by laws as laid down in the Rule Book
Renewal of membership must be made by 1st of May, new members are invited to join based on available spaces 1st May onwards.
The books are closed on 30th of June or when all available spaces have been filled (which ever comes first).
If you are interested in joining, then please visit our waiting list page where you can read more details and fill out a short form to add your name on the list. You will receive confirmation if you have been added to the waiting list or that you do not meet the criteria for joining. We usually notify you within 48 hours of your form submission.
Kennington Park Angling Club is a community based club. Local people are given preference over people wishing to join from further afield. This is part of the agreement reached with the land owners when the club was created.
Being community based means that we cater for most types of angling be it carping, piking, match fishing or leisure angling. The lakes are there for all members to enjoy. The only form of freshwater angling that we do not cater for is fly fishing.
Becoming a member gives you a number of benefits:-
Unlimited access to the complex 365 days a year.
Night fishing on both lakes
Keyed access to the back lake
Take part in KPAC run matches held on both lakes
Take part in the annual match league
Bring your children to the KPAC run Junior match
Being part of a community of like friendly minded people
Have access to the members facebook page full of news on what's happening, catches etc

Membership Pricing
Membership fees are determined at the Annual General Meeting each year. They are broken down into the following:-
OAP / Concession
One off enrolment fee
Back lake key deposit
The one off enrolment fee is not charged again providing that you do not leave and then rejoin the club. The refundable deposit for the back lake key will be returned to you if you leave the club and hand in the key.
Membership fees will be advised at the time that an offer is made to you.